"IMG_3033" by pdxjeff is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

"IMG_3033" by pdxjeff is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Experience Principles
After conducting stakeholder interviews and competitive analyses, we created an extensive strategy deck. This included actionable user experience insights and mapping.

Experience Mapping

Content Map

Site Map

Homepage Wireframe

Community Impact Wireframe

Login Wireframe

Fundholder Account Landing

Recommend a Grant Wireframes and Flow for a Fundholder

Nonprofit Account Landing

Nonprofit Faceted Search


Redesigning the Seattle Foundation's website to be used as an effective marketing tool and business channel.


The Challenge
The Seattle Foundation is a philanthropic fund serving the greater Seattle area.  The original online experience was dated, difficult to understand and onerous to navigate. Our goal with the redesign was to create an easily navigable site that served multiple audiences.

My Responsibilities
- Developed strategic and actionable insights based on user and stakeholder interviews
- Conducted a competitive audit
- Lead IA and created wireframes
- Fully annotated wireframes for the design and development team
- Created a comprehensive template and module guide for the development team
- Extensively critiqued design comps


XD: Celeste Cefalu
UX Lead: Jacqui Newmark
UX Support: Jenn Miller
Strategy: Kaitlin Gasenica
Tech Director: Noah Gedrich
PM: Rigel Ranciato


Check out the live site SeattleFoundation.org