New Cicis Thumbnail.jpg

Desktop and Mobile Homepage

Desktop and Mobile Menu page


Creating a responsive website to reflect a new brand campaign and cater to the high volume of mobile traffic. 

The Challenge
Cicis is an American buffet restaurant chain that began a transformational marketing campaign. The campaign included the renaming the company to Cicis (formerly Cici's Pizza) along with a new logo. The overall challenge was to build a site that reflected the new campaign, proving Cicis had more to offer than just pizza. The UX challenge was to allow users to easily view the menu and find a restaurant near them. 


My Responsibilities
- Lead IA and created internal wireframes
- Annotated design comps for the development team
- Worked as the liaison between the design and development teams to refine and enhance the site through transitions and animations
- Did extensive QA testing utilizing Jira to log and track items


ACD: Bran Cirkovic
UX Lead: Jacquelyn Newmark
Tech Manager: Chris Hodges


Check out the live site